Total Protection: Keeps you safely connected from the ground to the stand and back again. In the event of a misstep, the lifeline stops you wherever you happen to be in your climb
Efficient: The original lifeline removes the necessity of adjusting tree straps when climbing up or down the tree.
Easy to Set Up and Use: Quick and easy to install, which means you won't have to waste a second setting up. Simply attach tether to carabiner and slide the Prusik knot up to ascend and slide it back down when descending
Non-Reflective Lifeline: For those that prefer their Lifeline to be Non-Reflective, the original hunting lifeline is the perfect tree stand safety harness equipped with numerous features to ensure your safety
Important: Your rope may contain a warning that states the lifespan of this product is 2 years from date of manufacture. Please note that this policy has been updated and your rope actually has a lifespan of 3 years from date of purchase. For any additional questions or concerns, please contact Hunter Safety System directly.